Free White Paper:
Deploying High Performance Wi-Fi
and Optimizing Your Entire Network
Wi-Fi networks are the most volatile because they’re subject to external factors that are the most difficult to control. RF interference, fading, or channel access conflict driven by a sudden increase in users can induce jitter that causes throughput and performance to collapse. This “last-mile” Wi-Fi network jitter is compounded by today’s streaming fast data, voice, video and IoT applications that transmit huge volumes of data in unpredictable bursts, as well as virtualization jitter from the cloud environments that often host them. As a result, jitter has now become the leading cause of network throughput collapse.
Jitter on any segment of the path from the application server to the Wi-Fi AP (access point/router), and finally to the user’s Wi-Fi connected device, can trigger a throughput reduction across the entire path. Therefore, it’s a mistake to think of the wired and wireless segments as separate. They are ultimately part of the same network, and adjustments to both are often required.
Download this white paper now to learn how these challenges can be overcome, without the expense and disruption of upgrades that can actually make throughput and performance worse!