Webinar Recording

SD-WAN Vendors Won’t Reveal These Four Limitations

What you need to know pre- and post-implementation


SD-WAN makes it possible to bond multiple WAN connections – broadband Internet, private dedicated MPLS, mobile or any other transport pipe — effectively making the best use of bandwidth and reducing dependency on expensive MPLS links. SD-WAN vendors claim their solutions not only measure packet loss, latency and jitter, but also compensate for them.   Some vendors even claim they can replace MPLS. Do these claims really stack up?

This free 30-minute webinar will enable you to separate fact from fiction if you’re currently evaluating SD-WAN solutions. You’ll also learn how you can build on the capabilities SD-WAN actually does provide to fully optimize all of your available network infrastructure.

This Webinar Covers:

  • An overview of SD-WAN capabilities
  • SD-WAN limitations in four key areas
  • Filling the gaps to optimize your entire network infrastructure


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Jeff Fulkerson

Director of Technical Services

Brandon Klein

Senior Product Manager